So you finally did it. You stopped using the treadmill as a clothes rack and actually started walking on it (what a concept!). Or, you finally decided to quit smoking after 25 years. Or, perhaps you bought the professional-grade juicer from that TV infomercial and have vowed to start eating healthier. Whatever your goal is, you finally have what it takes: Motivation. So after making … Read More →
The Greatest Gift
There is a day, a little more than 19 years ago that without a doubt the most important day of my life. That day was the day I first became a father. Ashley was a gift from God at a time in my life when I needed a wake-up call and I thank Him every day for her. Had it not been for her being … Read More →
My Facebook Profile
In case you were wondering, the FB profile for Steve Jakubecz is located at
Family Man
Family Man 1. Children are not pets. 2. The life they actually live and the life you perceive them to be living is not the same life. 3. Don’t take what your children do too personally. 4. Don’t keep score cards on them – a short memory is useful. 5. Dirt and mess are a breeding ground for well-being. 6. Stay out of their rooms … Read More →
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